
Our Ministry

Worldwide revival center ministry video


During each revival service entire families come together in the main auditorium of the World Revival Center where miracles, prodigies, healings and salvation are lived under the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. However, this doesn't only happen in Bogotá, or in the living rooms of the thousands of online sheep of revival throughout the world; this also occurs at the different venues located throughout Colombia, New York and Miami in the United States, Buenos Aires, Corrientes and Olavarría in Argentina, Santiago in Chile and Sao Paulo in Brazil.


Our objective is

To produce an impact in Colombia and the nations of the earth by preaching the word of God and the demonstration of His power; touching people's hearts, bringing them to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, fulfilling in this way the Great Commission.

Church ministries

The Worldwide Revival Center consists of the following areas for the development of its spiritual and social functions.


Discipleship and biblical formation schools

The discipleship and Schools of Leaders, Service, and Counseling are free of cost, allowing anyone who desires to learn more about God's word to grow spiritually and be prepared to be an active part of this great revival.


Avivamiento faith college

A Biblical Institute in partnership with Universidad Bautista de Cali (Baptist University in Cali – Colombia) whose purpose is to form men and women who have a calling from God, are committed to serve Him and are filled with the Holy Spirit.


Personal counseling

A service that the church offers, where congregants can obtain biblical advice and clear direction from God in order to make important decisions in their lives.


Revival mercy

The Worldwide Revival Center is present in the most needed areas of the city, bringing the message of salvation, medical help, food and many other things.



ABN(Avivamiento Broadcasting Network) TV network, Aviva2 radio station, social media, web page, Avivamiento App for Iphone and Android, among others.


Avivamiento Kids

Kids also have a place at Revival, that's why a very special place has been created so that they can receive God's word in a fun way in their own language.


Gimnasio campestre cristiano school

This is our school with the four education levels in Colombia (Pre-school, Basic Primary, Basic Secondary, and Medium Education) with a maximum score from the Colombian Institute of Promoting Superior Education ICFES (from its initials in spanish).



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